Reviving my Christian blog: The reason I write

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It’s not easy to be a Christian, especially in a world opposed to truth and righteousness and filled with lots of distractions.

Entertainment. Video games. Sports. Online shopping. Facebook. YouTube. Just to name a few.

Under the influence of Satan and his minions, this fallen world keeps bombarding us with false ideologies and worldviews, compromising principles, and temptations to sinful lifestyles. And we add to that—we also struggle with our sinful nature.

What an intense battle! Sinners resisting and fighting in the midst of a sinful world.

Thank God, we’re not just sinners. We Christians are redeemed sinners. Redeemed by the truth that is in Christ Jesus. Saved by his perfect work. Forgiven and reconciled with God. Made children and heirs of heaven. Transferred from the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom of righteousness. Filled with the Holy Spirit, and being continually conformed into the image of Christ.

This is who we are as Christians. This is our identity in this life filled with various pains, troubles, and temptations. Despite the struggles we face, we are now victorious in Christ. We already experience his power and rule, and we await its consummation in the final day.

While we wait, we fight. Not to try to win the battle, but to remain standing in the victory Christ already gained, secured, and given to us. We hold on to the Word and promises of God. Though we sometimes fall and grow weary, we stand up, encourage one another, and keep moving forward by the persevering grace and power of God.

So we long to keep growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. As the Spirit of God renews and transforms us, we become reformed as Christians.

We hear that word, “reformed,” and many of us have different thoughts, experiences, and reactions to it.

Reformed Christians. Reformed Church. Reformed Christianity… What is it?

It’s not a form of Christian faith claiming to be the only true faith, while arrogantly looking down on others from different Christian denominations.

It’s not a form of Christian faith concerned only with doctrines, always quick to point your errors and ready to challenge you on a theological debate.

It’s not even a title for theological supremacy, making one a “higher version” of a Christian more worthy in the sight of God.

While Reformed Christians may claim being the closest in understanding the Scriptures—it’s not a perfect tradition. We also learn from other brothers and sisters in Christ from other denominations.

Well, “Reformed” is more than just a tradition or branch of Christianity. It’s a way of properly understanding and applying the Scriptures as restored during the 16th century Protestant Reformation.

The Protestant Reformers didn’t create something new. It’s not a new faith or a new version of Christianity. In response to the corruption of other churches, the Reformers simply restored what has already been there since the time of Christ and the apostles.

In short, Reformation is all about going back to the Scriptures—the Word of God. Going back to the true doctrine of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.

But it’s not only about understanding these truths. Reformation is both understanding and applying these truths in our lives. It’s the Spirit’s work of reformation through his Word in our faith, practice, and piety.

It’s the reformation of our private and public lives. Our marriages. Our families. Our churches. Even in our workplaces and communities.

It’s a transformation of our whole being in all of life.

So in one sense, being “reformed” is not a one time event or a status we achieve when we become a member of a local church that holds to the five-point doctrines of grace. It’s our life as Christians. We keep ourselves REFORMING.

And this is the reason I write. To join you in reforming in faith, practice, and piety.

As a Christian for many years now, I also recognize our constant weaknesses and dependence on God all throughout this life. But I can also attest to God’s faithfulness day after day, year after year for all His children.

As a husband to a faithful companion (Yeng) since 2017, and a father to a wonderful son King Theophilus, I also recognize the beauty and blessing of God’s design for marriage and family despite its challenges. And we need to understand how crucial godly marriages and families are for the church and the society.

As a church planting pastor in a Reformed church in Cavite, I also recognize the church’s need for the faithful preaching of God’s Word, proper order, and healthy relationships among believers.

There are many ways we can learn and need to learn in our faith and lives as Christians. That is what I hope to keep writing about in this platform. So read my blog posts, engage and share your thoughts, subscribe to my email newsletter (soon), follow me on social media to stay updated on my latest content.

And I hope that all of this will help your Christian walk too.

We’re confident in the faithful promises of God in Christ, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”… and “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Matthew 16:18; Philippians 1:6).

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Reuel Dawal. Christian. Husband. Father. Pastor. Writer. I love sharing my learnings, thoughts, and reflections on faith, life, and ministry. LEARN MORE.